Pray For Cancer Prayer Requests

Cancer Prayer Requests

Pray For Cancer Prayer Requests

[…] pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful.

James 5:16 (NAB)

Below are all of the submitted prayer requests. Please pray for as many as you are able and click the “I Prayed For This” button next to each.

If you want to add a prayer request to the list below, you can go to the Submit Your Cancer Prayer Requests page.

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Prayed for 1 time.


Kindly pray for my dear friend Lucio Reyes who has colon cancer. Also, say a prayer for my fragile mom, Darlene Solorzano. Thank you for your kindness of prayer, be blessed this holiday season. Thank you, Gina

Received: December 29, 2020

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